Pop Art is defined as art derived from popular culture. My latest painting depicts images and events from my life and the culture I have lived.
'Baked' is placed in a kitchen setting, similar to where I grew up. Our homes may not have their previous value, but does that really matter? We all still seem to have what's important to us. Loaded with images from the past and present, 'Baked' is my slice of Americana. Mom used to say she could be cooking naked and Dad wouldn't notice when he was working on his truck. No, that's not Mom!
Many of the images within this work define us as Americans. I was just as happy as a child in our small home as I am today. Enjoy the luxuries and freedoms we have as Americans!
Hidden and discreet images follow:
Guns 45 Revolver, AR15 with Bump Stock, 12 Ga. Pump Shotgun, pistol grip.
Guitar, Mardi Gras Beads, Old Lunch Box, Swiss Army Knife, Piston Ash Tray with Cigar, Cards with Queen of Hearts, (Hearts repeated on refrigerator magnets and in lace panties) Apple, Handcuffs, Tulips (Mom's favorite) Rudy the Rottweiler is well fed with Steak in his custom bowl and dog tags, Red Solo cup with a Beer Pong ball, CKT carved in table (Cool Kids Table) Various Liquors, Beer, Wine, Whiskey, Tequila, Hidden Mouse, Apple Pie, Tomato soup, Bong, Crucifix, Ammo, Shopping List: Eggs, Milk, Beer, Wine, Race Fuel, Ammo, Family pictures: Dirt bike Jumper, Rock Climber, Tattoos include American Flag, and my friend 'Gracie', A classic Flat Track bike in the bed of a custom 1950 Studebaker Pick Up truck, Big Block, Tunnel Ram, Dual Quads, RICHMAN Racing on the Truck and T Shirt, Diamond Tuft pattern throughout, and the American Flag.
The Original Painting is in a Private Collection in Sturgis SD. 2014 C