Wild Life


 No worries, Eric didn't go off the deep end and start painting Butterflies and Bunnies! It's just the title of his latest painting. The "Wild Life" in this work of art is the people out having a bit of fun on a beautiful desert afternoon. Blasting down a two lane, crossing a double yellow, somewhere between finger rock and big breast butte, the biker, hot rodder, and their All-American, gun totin, passengers, have some harmless fun. The driver and rider pound fists while the gals flash and remove their Red, White, and Blue tops.

As in most of Eric's work, it's the details that tell the story. The V/8 and other tattoos, cigarettes rolled in a sleeve, reflections from the bike passenger as they blow by the Bunny Star Ranch, The Goodguys sticker on the hot rod, and the 911 remembrance on the biker's rings, it's all there. A Bald Eagle, Diamondback Rattlesnake, Gila Monster, Coyote, and Roadrunner all add to the potential treachery and sense of freedom. Both the 51 Merc. (GNRS Winner) and the stunning bagger were home built by their owners.

'In my paintings I can have as much fun and freedom as I like' states Eric. No one gets hurt, no tickets or jail time are handed out, no motors ever blow up. Enjoy the fun within the artwork. Our American freedoms are diminishing: we are overcome with laws and regulations, and will soon be forced to drive electric vehicles. I even had to paint this work in two formats, censored and un-censored, to be politically correct, states Eric. You have the option of having her top on or off! 'Wild Life' will surely become a cult classic in our Motorsport History.  


"Wild Life" was painted probably ten years ago now. It has become another cult classic like "Dangerous", "Wash Day" and a few others. The un-censored version is one of my best selling images and will continue to sell for decades. Is it the fun? Colors? Vehicles? Maybe the combination of all the correct elements? I just paint what I come up with. A definite "Home Run". 

The Original Painting is in a private collection in Deadwood SD. 2014 C


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