A Painting by Eric & Ian Herrmann A new Father and Son project!
It all started with a cute portrait of my Doberman C4, done for my mother. Having been very pleased with the piece, my father and I decided to take it a step further. Why should our dog be painted as an innocent pup when he is much more then that? We had two giclees made (Prints on Canvas) and are now painting in the different personalities of our trouble making K9....
Ian Herrmann
I started painting on my version of C4 at Sturgis this year. Over my many years at Sturgis I've noticed how aggressive the "Authorities" have gotten and decided to place my dog in those uncompromising situations. I made him a biker, of course.
Eric Herrmann
I'm C4, a Doberman. I may look different than other dogs, but I try to lead a good life. I'm in my 50's now, but can still hold my own. As you can tell by my ink, I love my family and country. I served the USA as an Army Ranger, Volunteer Fire & Rescue dog, and lost my dad in 911. I've got a great gal named Liberty, a Black Lab, shiniest coat you've ever seen. My Human's a Biker and Racer and I grew up at Tracks and Events all across the country. This was my first year going to Sturgis. Very exciting!
My Human decides to go for a ride and leaves me to watch the trailer. I know, that's my job, but it was Sturgis. I just got there. I had to get out and see the sights, sniff some butts, tell some tales. I take off and head for 'Main Street', whatever that is. I could hear the sounds and smell some kind of Sausage in the air. This would be easy to find. I'm about two blocks away and I think I spot my Human's Flamed Bagger. I take off and try to catch him. Well the bladder isn't what it used to be so I pull over at a prime Fire Hydrant to tap one. This car with flashing lights pulls up and Humans with guns and sticks jump out and start charging me. Not one to back down, I held my ground for a while. They just kept coming, out of the bushes, on bicycles, so I decided to bolt. I've always been an agile runner with a top speed of 32 mph, so I hoofed it out of there. Through a yard, over a fence, across a street and down the alley, I was dodging people and bikes everywhere. I was feeling like I was 20 again! Man this Sturgis place was pretty cool. Wham, I hit a wall. Boxed in they finally took me down. Hog tied me with wire ties. So here I sit, lots of time to write. I heard my Human's voice so I'll probably be out soon. Don't know how happy he's going to be! I still don't know what I did wrong. This Sturgis place still looks pretty cool, even with all the challenges. I hope I can make it back again. I'll try to run through those Creeks and Canyons next year. Maybe check out the races or enter in that Hill Climb deal. First trip to Sturgis, memorable, but I'll be back.
Ian Herrmann
Ian has continued to paint since this early dog portrait. His work is vast and varied and has brought him to several continents. He has elevated street art (Graphitti Art) to a fine art level and paints buildings and murals worldwide. He continues to paint on canvas and refine his skills with a brush, airbrush, and Spray Can. His work can be seen @pricegoodman I don't understand why he doesn't use the Herrmann name? Kids!
The Original Painting is in my collection and currently not for sale. 2017 C