Lookin Back
With a scene that’s split down the middle Eric looks into the changes we’ve experienced from the 70’s to the present time. Vietnam was winding down in the mid 70’s and it was “Peace & Blues”. Choppers with long front ends, beer, wine, weed, Jimi Hendricks, and Lava lamps. Now it’s big tire baggers, sex and drama, texting from coffee shops, Ibuprofen, Viagra, and Tattoos. In the 70’s we would never have worn shorts and red gym shoes while riding. Notice the rider’s shirts with NAM 73 and Remember 911. The long hair and bandanas have been replaced with shaved and balding heads. It’s been a long ride since those simpler times, but we're still riding! The only thing that hasn't changed over the years is two bikers, hiding in the alley, from the cops!
The Original Painting is in a private collection in Canada. 2014 C