This Beautiful 1911 HD is in the Barber Museum Collection in Birmingham AL. One of the finest examples of early transportation I've ever seen. Most Museums won't allow professional photography, but if you approach the right people with your intentions, I can usually pull it off. Barber has been very courteous and allow me to photograph their entire collection of bikes.
I wanted to photograph the Guggenheim "The Art of the Motorcycle" exhibit when it was in Chicago in the 90's. After several calls to the curator in NY, I was granted access. In Chicago, on a layover, I jumped a train, went downtown to the museum with my camera to shoot bikes. To my surprise, they closed the exhibit for an hour so I could get my photos. Cool! I'm very fortunate as not a lot of bikes from this era exist. I usually get to see the rarest and best of the best. Perks of the job.
The Original Painting is in a private collection in Nebraska. 2011 C